
Sunday 24 September 2017



The shing slimey Unifish races up the sand. Her shiny sparkly body shines in the bright sun. It's rainbow horn makes it so she can see in the dark. Her front feet make it so she can walk on the sand and her back feet make it so she can swim. Her eyes are big so she can see half way behind her she has a fish mouth to blow bubbles!!


When we went swimming on Monday, we got changed and when we got out of the changing room and lined up in our group. Then the instructor came and said we aren't in our groups today. Then we went and got a life jacket and got a buddy. One buddy went in one group and the other went in the other group. My group went and jumped off the starting block and swam to the other end, where the other group was pushing water with the kick boards. We swam through someone spraying cold water with the hose. We then swam through plastic seaweed. We then swapped with our buddy and we started pushing water with the kick boards and our buddy did what we did.
                         By sophie

Haiku poem

                                          The Garden
                                     Colourful flowers 
                              Grubby dirty digging dirt, 
                              Sprouting growing plants.