
Thursday 16 November 2017

Acrostic poem about Auggie

Absolutely the same inside,

Uses his hand to crush food so he can eat,

Great just the way he is,

Great sister Via,

If you were him how would feel,

Everybody is staring when they first see him.

                            by Sophie

Wonder task

Fire works acrostic poem

Fireworks go bang
I sat with friends to watch
Road closed for event
Every shop had  lights
Walking every where 

Old Cromwell
Round hula hoops
Kids every where
Singing and dancing                     

wonder tasks

Sunday 29 October 2017

Wonder drawing

Wonder Portrait

                               By Sophie

Science Experiment

I made coloured ice cubes look what it looks like in the water by Sophie

Australia Holliday

These are some photos of my family and me holding a Snake and a koala at dream world and Currumbin wildlife sanctuary.

Suzanne Selfors


These are some chapter chat tasks

                                                     by Sophie T

Thursday 26 October 2017

My acrostic poem about August by Sophie

kind and caring,

Is wanting to be normal kid, 

New kid at school,

Different to everyone,

New but year in year 5,

Excellent just the way he is,

Shy and doesn't now many people,

Sister called Via.

Sunday 24 September 2017



The shing slimey Unifish races up the sand. Her shiny sparkly body shines in the bright sun. It's rainbow horn makes it so she can see in the dark. Her front feet make it so she can walk on the sand and her back feet make it so she can swim. Her eyes are big so she can see half way behind her she has a fish mouth to blow bubbles!!


When we went swimming on Monday, we got changed and when we got out of the changing room and lined up in our group. Then the instructor came and said we aren't in our groups today. Then we went and got a life jacket and got a buddy. One buddy went in one group and the other went in the other group. My group went and jumped off the starting block and swam to the other end, where the other group was pushing water with the kick boards. We swam through someone spraying cold water with the hose. We then swam through plastic seaweed. We then swapped with our buddy and we started pushing water with the kick boards and our buddy did what we did.
                         By sophie

Haiku poem

                                          The Garden
                                     Colourful flowers 
                              Grubby dirty digging dirt, 
                              Sprouting growing plants.


Thursday 31 August 2017


The Sloth clings upside down on to the long thick branches with his sharp long claws like a bat.His stringy hair  keeps him warm and toasty through day and night . 
Do you think Sloths go fast or slow?if you though fast you are wrong. 

Jeer word cloud by Sophie

Tuesday 22 August 2017

My Calender Art


Wednesday 16 August 2017

Sloth questions

Do you think sloths go slow or fast ?
What are sloths claws used for protecting or climbing?
What do sloths eat bugs or rabbits?
Can sloths stretch out nearly as big as a meter, yes or no ?
Where do sloths live in the jungle or  grassy fields?

Wanted poster

Have you seen my friend the leprechaun?
You might find him at the end of the rainbow protecting his gold. 
He has a green hat and a yellow beard and a very special locker from me.
He can turn invisible.

The Loch Ness Monster

Tuesday 1 August 2017

My Dragon

             My dragon is a called shooting star.
                          She is from England.     
 She lives in a cave near the village. The children       from the village love to ride on her back from           school to their house like she's a school bus.
Her special feature is that she can shoot candy canes out of her mouth. She is green and yellow
                              by Sophie T

kids zone

"Hurry up mum" I said.We walk in  & saw lots of spacey stuff then we went outside and played with big bubbles.One of my Favourite things was the jeeps Hugh & I went together ,Iwi & Theo went together and Becky &  Kade went together. We speed around the cones,& we crashed straight in too Iwi & Theo 
                       By Sophie T

Holiday word cloud